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This link accesses the Virginia Department of Historic Resources database that houses the cemetery listing for the Virginia Landmarks Register. It also serves as a portal to the rest of the listings in the State of Virginia.
Last Updated: 16 December 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This is a great website where you can obtain professional genealogical research built into a family story. The work is done by none other than Marie Byrd Sproul, a Hanger descendant. She is an excellent writer and holds a certificate in Genealogical Research which she obtained in October of 2021 after completing the Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate Program. She is also a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists. If you have an interest in your "family story," This site should be your first stop.
Last Updated: 14 April 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This link to the Augusta County Historical Society will take you to the home page. Once there click on the icon named Augusta Community Portal. This portal will give you access to every Bulletin published since 1965 by the historical society as well as access to other great resource sites. While there researching, consider joining their organization. With you membership you will receive a free Bulletin each year. They also have some great resources available in the online bookstore.
Last Updated: 16 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
The Augusta County Genealogical Society meets the third Wednesday of every month at 1:00 pm except July, November, and December at the Augusta County Library in Fishersville, Virginia. Their Mission is three-fold: Help preserve genealogical records and public access to them, furnish aid and education in genealogical research methods, and foster and encourage interest in genealogical research. The speakers and programs are excellent and zoom attendance is usually available. They offer research service of records at the Augusta County Courthouse at an extremely reasonable rate.
Last Updated: 22 January 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
A tremendous amount of history in three sections: The Eve of War, The War Years, The Aftermath, covering the period from the fall of 1859 until the fall of 1870. Letters to and from Confederate soldiers and their valley families offers a glimpse into their wartime lives.
Last Updated: 7 March 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
The link is for the Society's home page and from there many resources are at your fingertips regarding the rich history of Rockbridge County, Virginia and its many villages and towns. The website also has an online store which has maps for sale to aid the genealogist or historian.
Last Updated: 6 February 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Possibly one of the best map tools on the web for getting a better understanding of the counties of Pennsylvania and the townships and boroughs within each county. The township and Boroughs map is an up-to-date road map with topography map overlay. A good addition to other electronic maps when planning a genealogy trip to research immigrant ancestors.
Last Updated: 14 April 2023   [Located in Category: Maps]
This link provides a geo view of all the parcels listed with Augusta County. By clicking on the parcel number the owner name and information is displayed. This is an excellent resource for genealogists and historians who are wishing to document or photograph sites of interests. The information can aid in making contact with the property owner(s) to attempt to secure permission or just to get some questions answered. As always, respect the property owner!
Last Updated: 8 February 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This map predates the commonly used Hotchkiss map and is a great resource for locating the original route of many of the county roads that are no longer in use. It has good zoom-in quality and has the names of residents that do not appear on the 1885 map by Jedidiah Hotchkiss.
Last Updated: 14 April 2023   [Located in Category: Maps]
While this map is listed as 1885, Jedidiah Hotchkiss actually mapped Augusta County during and after the Civil War. Some of his first map work was for General Jubal Early in January, 1864. He kept a daily journal which is little known to many that are familiar with his maps. Southern Methodist University Press Published Jed's journal in 1973 in a book titled "Make Me a Map Of the Valley, The Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson's Topographer." The link above will access the website for Historic Map Works, a company that sells historic maps from all over the world, including this one. The map can be enlarged for better viewing. It is a go-to for searching for the location of families present in Augusta County, and in the case of this map, in the Riverheads District, during the 1860s. The book containing Jedidiah's journal notes is an excellent resource addition to this map.
Last Updated: 14 April 2023   [Located in Category: Maps]
This site will allow the user to select any of the District Maps of Augusta County as well as the towns and villages that Hotchkiss mapped. A great resource and a great site for purchasing maps of all descriptions from all over the world.
Last Updated: 5 May 2023   [Located in Category: Maps]
This site is maintained by the National Park Service and contains a plethora of additional links to access just about anything civil war. It goes far beyond being a name database.
Last Updated: 7 March 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
The website lists the cemeteries of Rockingham County and accessing the cemetery site will provide the location, notes, survey dates and lists of those buried there. This is the most inclusive website I have found for Rockingham County cemeteries.
Last Updated: 16 July 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
If your research requires that you know what day any date fell on, this link will give you the answer. All you need to do is enter the month, day, and year.
Last Updated: 23 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This site is valuable for determining date of Birth or Death using headstone age inscriptions. It has many other uses as well and is a go to for genealogy researchers.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Newspapers were fickle things during the 19th century. They started and flourished, floundered and failed, restarted, were bought, sold, and probably traded. If you are searching a particular area for something during a particular time frame and you have used the newspaper name in you query, it might help to be assured that the newspaper was actually in business during that period. An absolutely free website for Virginia newspapers offered by the Library of Virginia. If you wish you can just click on the magnifying glass with the search menu blank and it will take you the newspaper page. It is a very self explanatory place to start your search. This site has publications that are not yet available on A great tool.
Last Updated: 9 July 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
A great portal into the LVA with many additional links once on the site. If you are looking for vital stats in Virginia and are not sure if or where they are recorded, this site offers great information on when, how and where Virginia records were compiled.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
A site that must be surfed to be appreciated! All things history as they pertain to Virginia can be found here. A site that the reader can easily spend hours on! Excellent website!
Last Updated: 24 March 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This service is provided by Theresa Berns, a native German speaker. This is what she says about her services. "I believe it is essential to know our ancestors and their past to better understand ourselves. As a native German speaker and professionally trained translator, I am here for you to decipher and translate genealogical documents written in the old German script. Together, we will untangle the linguistic knot that German (especially the German spoken and written centuries ago) can be and bring you closer to your roots."
Last Updated: 11 March 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Comprehensive list of over 319,000 genealogy websites.
Last Updated: 7 March 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This is a link to the Our Public Records website and the interviewing guide may be very helpful to those trying to document information from living relatives. There are a number of additional resources on the website itself.
Last Updated: 1 April 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
The PRS is a combination of the previous NSSAR Patriot and Graves Registry (Online), NSSAR Revolutionary War Graves Registry (Book and CD), information from the NSSAR Patriot Index CD (2002), and additional information and updates from various State Grave Registry Databases. This database will continue to expand as new patriots and graves are found and new members are approved. Please be aware that the Patriot and Grave Registry is NOT a comprehensive list of all the individuals who served in the American Revolutionary War, nor is it an indication than an SAR membership application (Record Copy) exists for every Patriot listed herein. There are several ways to search for information on this system: Patriot Search Search the database based on Patriot Name, Patriot Number, and other criteria. Member Search Search the database based on a SAR member. This allows for viewing all known descendants of a given member. Descendant Search Search the database based on a Descendant name. A descendant is someone who sits between a SAR Member and a Patriot in their lineage. This search is a work in progress, as not every record has lineage data in this database today, and won't be included in the results. Biography Search Search the database specifically for finding Biographies that have been submitted. Search results are limited to those Patriots who have had a biography submitted. Cemetery Search Search the database for Cemetery records based on Cemetery Number, Cemetery Name, and other criteria. This database is available for the purpose of general research and assisting with the SAR membership process. The sources contained within this database are NOT acceptable as proof of service for an SAR application. You must still find the original reference to the service when submitting an SAR application.
Last Updated: 6 February 2025   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
An excellent resource if you are searching for private graveyards in Virginia. An older database but it is sorted by county and cemetery name. Many of the entries have contact persons listed but that part of the list may be out of date as the research was probably done around 1974. (Not prior to 1972)
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This link will access the list of Augusta County Circuit Court Clerks that have served since 1745. A valuable site if transcribing court documents as the names can be difficult to decipher! Scroll to the bottom of the link page to find the list of Clerks.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Good resource for a number of questions one might have regarding how to and how not to cite deed records.
Last Updated: 19 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Offered by the Library of Virginia.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
This link accesses a glossary of terms used in the eighteenth & nineteenth centuries for various diseases and ailments. Many of these names are found on death registers from that period. Very helpful in understanding cause of death in modern terms.
Last Updated: 23 December 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
A good article if exact days are of importance in your research involving 1752.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
For those that have searched the three-volume set of Chalkley's records, you will appreciate the ease with which the digitized set can be navigated.
Last Updated: 7 March 2024   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
There are many suppliers of headstone rubbing supplies. This is just one of many.
Last Updated: 9 November 2022   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Website for the American Battlefield Trust. Click on their website Learn tab to access sites that provide a huge scope of information that can help complete a research project involving wartime.
Last Updated: 22 January 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
The is a collection of maps compiled from the late 19th century into the early 20th century by the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company. They have information not found on any other maps. Archived by the Library of Congress, these maps can prove invaluable when researching business locations and the evolution of businesses in towns and cities. All information is color-coded and the researcher can even determine what material the building walls were made of.
Last Updated: 14 April 2023   [Located in Category: Maps]
A fabulous website with hundreds of PDFs available for downloading. Includes seminar locations for all things history and preservation oriented. A great resource!
Last Updated: 1 February 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
What should I use to clean my ancestor's grave marker? If you are asking this question, please click on the link and read the article. (D-2 is what is used to clean the headstones at Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery)
Last Updated: 1 February 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
Newbie Richardson offers restoration services for textile products of all types. She works out of her home in Alexandria, Virginia and has an extensive resume and reference list. Her direct email is
Last Updated: 18 November 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]
A comprehensive website detailing about every aspect of Early American life in New England. The researcher can spend hours on this site gaining insight on the period - Everything from architecture to burial practices. Dozens of lnks to other related sites are available.
Last Updated: 30 March 2023   [Located in Category: Historical Resources]