If you are visiting our website for the first time, thank you for your interest in learning more about Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery and the work that is being done to preserve history and respect those buried there. 
Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery has been around for a long, long, time, but not a lot of people know that. Arguably, not a lot of people know about Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery at all. Yes, even some who have ancestors buried there would admit the same. And that's okay, because up until the fall of 2021 when the cemetery was brought back from decades of neglect, almost no one could even find the cemetery, much less locate a headstone. (The oldest grave found thus far with an inscribed headstone is dated 1798) That is the first reason for this website. To provide information to those interested in the Cemetery, in those buried there, their ancestors, and yes, their descendants. This is without question a work in progress, and if the website is successful in meeting the information needs of those that visit and become a part of its success, it will continue to be a work in progress for the extent of its existence. Even with the cemetery now in a much-improved state, there will still be those that will never have the opportunity to visit it. It might be time, or distance, or both. For those folks that are not able to go to the cemetery, this website can and will bring the cemetery to them, through research articles, photographs, and discussions. But it will take all of us to make it successful. 
An example of just how many descendants there are! Staunton Spectator Jan. 25, 1870
A lot of information is available from a variety of sources regarding many of those buried in the graveyard and even more on their descendants if researched, but part of the goal in providing information on this site is to compile everything available regarding Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery in one accessible location. This approach will also make this website the location for asking all of those unanswered questions, maybe one that someone, somewhere, has an answer to.  This site affords the user a forum, where discussions can be had with other researchers, historians, and more importantly, descendants. For those wishing to join the website, a focused research section is available. This section has a compilation of research files on many of those buried at Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery and the section continues to grow as new files are added. Some of the files have documents and photographs from private collections dating back over one hundred fifty years.   For example, over 600 documents and photographs were just recently reviewed, duplicated, and cataloged, that originally belonged to Elijah Jacob Hanger. His great-great grandson now has them and is willing to share the wealth of information they contain. Some of those documents have already made their way into the focused research section.  Also for members, there is a Library / Archives section, this too is for and will continue to serve the user as an ever-growing resource. These module tabs become visible and accessible with membership.
The Cemetery Before Restoration Began
The second and arguably most important reason for this website is to ask and allow those who care about Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery to help with the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the property. Over 1ooo hours of work went into the clearing of
vegetation, re-erecting headstones, repairing and cleaning them, and even replacing one. All of this work was done at the time and expense of a descendant of someone buried there, just because they cared enough to do so. There have been several other donations received prior to the launching of this website, and it is certainly hoped that through the website membership and additional donations, that the care of the cemetery can go on for years to come. To add to the anticipated success of this endeavor, a non-profit organization was formed, Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery, or DHHCemetery, to allow anyone wishing to help to be able to do so and take advantage of the 501(c)(3) status of the organization and the tax deduction that it provides.  
Consider becoming a member, hopefully an active member, one who asks questions, seeks answers, and maybe even shares a bit of knowledge that others have been seeking regarding Dutch Hollow Hanger Cemetery and those buried there. Collectively, we can make a difference. 

Facts and Tips
When were birth and death registers implemented? April 11, 1853. Sort of. There were laws regarding the recording of such events as early as the 1600s. Practice unfortunately did not always follow suit. Use the Research Links tab to access a site that goes into greater detail about Virginia’s death index.
[Did You Know?]

When researching early and mid 1800s articles discussing roads and road improvements, the term McAdamize is sometimes seen, and can be found spelled various ways. But what does that term mean? It came from a Scottish gentleman named John Loudon McAdam, born in 1757, a pioneer in road construction and road improvement. His methods are still used in many places in one form or another and is the basic engineering for designing most modern highways. An internet search of McAdamized roads will furnish a plethora of information on the subject for those interested.
[Did You Know?]

When reading or transcribing old court documents, Clerks of Court names can be difficult because of the signature style and the sometimes very oddly spelled names. Most localities have their clerks listed that served since the formation of the county, city or town. The clerks for Augusta County Circuit Court of Virginia since 1745 can be found using the Research Links tab.
[Did You Know?]